Oh, it's that time again. A blogpost. Sadly it's been far too long since the last one, but that bout of vertigo lasted for about a month, not counting "residual bouts". Since then I've mainly tried to catch up on schoolwork, working on improving grades to increase my shot at getting into University... well not a bad reason really. Sadly this has led to a neglected hobby side of my life (That and Saints Row 4, Total War: Rome 2 and several Humble Bundles..). Now, this is not a bad thing, the table will be finished as soon as I am able to. It does somewhat haunt me not to have it complete by now, and I really want to get some playtime on top of it.
So, it wouldn't be a blogpost without some pictures in it, would it? Not having much time for hobby related stuff, all I really got painted was my Hyperion that I've mentioned previously (don't worry, a spoiler picture will be in this blogpost though, might get a more detailed one later if I ever run out of ideas).
Main thing for this one..well, always introduce the main thing in the third "act" right? I found my desk to be in quite a state of disrepair after such inactivity. It had to be upgraded. Dull, I know, but here are some pictures.
This...well.. This is basically just a pile of stuff. I admit that it was my fault it looked like that.
Also, the lighting was horrendous. | |
Unspecified time spent cleaning later.
So this is actually what my desk looks like?
Since I've done a somewhat proper thing, for once, I bought some decent lamps and proper lightbulbs. Sadly I also put the stuff back.....
My eyes, my beautiful eyes...the light. |
If you've come this far, there will be a reward. No, not cookies. No, not money either, sorry. It's just an image of my Hyperion, Mr Sparkle. Close to finished and not photographed properly but... Why not really?
"Hurr, me stop puny bridge, me stomp puny stream" |
And now, disregarding Professor Song's advice, I am actually going to give out a spoiler. The Doctor is actually call................. Ehm. A picture of my next project. A smaller table for RPGs, at a start for the end of a planned Iron Kingdoms Role Playing Game campaing. It will also be adaptable for most other systems if needed.
This will also be a semi-recycling project. More of this in a future post or two. |
Without further ado, I give you all. The Legend of the Sixth Horse!
Stay tuned (figuratively, since it might take a week or two) for the epic conclusion of:
Summer Bo(a)redom 3: The Reckoning