Today we'll start off where we ended the last blogpost. I'm suffering a desperate lack of greenstuff, or any kind of putty really, which is why the Repenter yet again will be on the backburner, for a couple of days more at least.
So, what now then? Well, after happening upon quite a decent amount of store credit, I did the prudent thing and reinvested it and got quite a substantial reinforcement for my Retribution of Scyrah army for Warmachine. Not least of it all the Hyperion colossal. And a beast this big deserves a base to match, and here is the first steps of my base, as a follow-up on the last blog.
Starting off with defining the basic shape of the stream with foamboard, then marking out the general shapes of the path, bridge and where the Hyperion will be located.
After the basic shape is laid down, it's time to add some definition to the base. Since the bank of the stream will be soft mud, combined with the fact that a colossal is quite heavy, I decided to make it look like it was sinking down a bit into the ground. I sloped off the road, outer edges and the edges facing the stream.
Then I decided, while laying out the mud and road with wall filler, mixed with sand for texture, to add even more weight to the base, hence the three "pockets" of lead shot. At this stage one can start to see the general idea of the base more clearly.
Side view of the base, just to get a more 3D view of it all instead of only top-down. A note on wall filler: Make sure you don't apply it too thickly, it won't dry satisfactorily and might become really brittle/dust.
And the scetch did call for a bridge right, well, here's the start of it. foamboard cut to shape which will get a decking of.....McDonalds coffee stirrers...I mean... Balsa wood, honestly.
And below is where we stand today. the base work of the base (yeah properly formulated sentence here..) Basecoats of paints, small "islands" in the stream, mud clinging to the banks. More wallfiller was also added at this stage, mainly to enhance the look of mud displaced by the weight of the Hyperion. The base will have to be mostly finished before the bridge goes on, hence why it is missing from this picture.
Hopefully we'll go back to normal, Repenter-based schedule in the next blogpost, depending on my luck at foraging for greenstuff....