Here we are at last, the epic conclusion to the tale of creation. I do suppose the title should read "Winter" by this point. Sadly we are lacking said winter this year, it being more akin to a damp October outside than a proper, chilly January.
New year, new blogpost.
This one has been long in the making. After I went through that short, one month or so of illness late summer/early autumn last year (feels odd to write last year at this early in 2014), I had scarcely any time to spare for hobby projects. Missing about a month of classes and assignments in several courses, then later having to work at least at double speed when getting better was a lot of effort. Who knew? Well, enough about that and on to the main event of the evening. The grand finale of the ground work: "Summer" Bo(a)redom 3: The Reckoning - Part 2 - The End! (This might be a long one).
Ending a project requires delicate touches in combination with hard work. Handcrafting and long hours are required. Thankfully the photographs will be somewhat better. Better camera and, as one probably can figure out by this picture, NOT me taking said photographs.
Yes, I do kind of look like a Trollkin with a beaver on my head in this picture.
Next up is another shot from above, more or less. The square, the river and bridge and parts of the road and soggy ground.
Here is a close up of the square. All painted up and with a symbol not even moss wants to touch. Is this place really that far gone?
There are plans for this square, but that is for another time.
River goes in....
River comes out. The reeds are brush hairs from cheap brushes used for wall painting (or in this case, cut off to make slightly larger drybrushes). The bridge is an old belt buckle, think I mentioned that in an earlier post.
Detailed picture of the well for the stream going to the swampy bit on the board. Looks muddy enough for me, at least.
Finally, at the swampy bit in question. Watery areas will not come into effect as Shallow Water (Unless it benefits me, of course (note: joke, probably)).
And now, just to give some perspective to the board, some Action Shots*.
Papers, Please |
Stuff it Rez, Me and Rahn is chilling over here with some coffee
So, that concludes this "Summer's" work. Hopefully I will be able to finish other projects sooner rather than later (Even though I probably just jinxed that). Spoliling a New Year's resolution here as well: I aim to play more games, and utilise this table!
*Action Shots not of actual Gameplay, only staged for artistic purposes. For now