Well, it's been hectic the last couple of week.... months now. Who knew school to be such a drain on the way more important hobby time? Well, I kind of do due to experience but a painting schedule has at the very least been set for the future. An hour a day keeps the doctor away!
Today we will go back in time with a new feature, Gallery post. These blogs will be collections of pictures or completed projects. First up will be my Games Workshop Grey Knights** army from the olden days of some years ago. I used this army to teach myself a load of new techniques and to be fair it's not that well painted when it comes to the masses of infantry. However, it can be good to look back on what came before so that one can see improvement.
Ah well, end of rambling, time for some pictures!
Storm Raven and Space Marine Rhino |
Space Marine Rhino, Dreadnought and Castellan Crowe |
Grey Knight Dreadknights |
Razorbacks and Land Raider |
Grey Knight Infantry |
Grey Knight Infantry, Techmarine and Brother-Captain Stern |
Well, an army for a previous edition of Warhammer 40000. Well, most of an army since we only played at this points level. Stay tuned for future Gallery Posts. Oh, and regular posts. I got something in the works!
**Note: All iconography, miniature names, faction names, game system names are property of Games Workshop Limited.
Images and trademarks used without permission. This website is unofficial and is not endorsed by Games Workshop.
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