
This blogpost is Heresy (Gallery post)

This blogpost is to showcase my Iron Hands "Warhammer 30k" army so far. It has been a joy to paint these minis and a lot of new techniques learned (more on this in a future post). The green tinge is still on these minis, although this is more of a lighting problem when taking the photos rather than them being mainly green.

Without further ado, rollcall!

First up, my Iron Hands Iron Father. Lovely mini mounted on an arm from an Emperor's Children Dreadnought.

Regular Praetor
And the sword that refuses to straighten properly
Iron Hands Immortals (with reinforcements to a legal squad coming to make them a legal squad)

Iron Hands Tactical Support Squad with Volkite Calivers

And a Forge Lord/Iron Father/Techmarine guy!

The Contemptor was featured in the last blogpost.


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