
Mechanicum 2: The Thallaxii-ng

Time to post up some photos of my Thallaxii units painted so far. Quite useful in game so far..well, after they got painted that is... Will have to add to these units later on I think, but for now on to some photos!

Unit 1:
Photon-thruster upgrade.

Unit 2:

Heavy chainweapon upgrades!

Oh, don't worry, the rims on the bases have been cleaned up since the photos were taken..
Since I have hade a question or two about how the swords were made, I will do a quick write-up with the few photos I took while working on them.

Started off with procuring a few chainswords from the GW Chaos Raptor/Warp Talon kit with a plan to apply them to the lightning guns the Thallax carry.

Enter a tad chronological gap. We jump ahead to where the swords have been separated from the hilts and the front of the lightning guns have been flattened off, leaving a surface to attach them like bayonettes. On the photo below they are dryfitted with blu-tac.

Two holes were drilled at either end, as shown where the guitarr string attaches to the gun. This also gives a clue to the metal bit used for the cable. Bent to shape and glued in place. 

Gun was later straightened.

The end of the gun was planed off to provide a place for the lightning gun bayonette to attatch.

And here we go. All three of them given the same treatment. 

Epoxy putty, primer and paint do cover quite a lot of sins ;)


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