
A break from fire...

Have a slight break from my Repenter project due to a slight hobby-related accident, I thought it prudent to upload some pictures of another project of mine. Enter stage left: Sligthly reposed and converted Retribution of Scyrah-minis.

Eiryss the...less than liked elf

Time to beat you up  -Manticore
Charge! -Chimera

Yeah sure, let's do a kung fu styled wallkick on this pillar -Griffon

RAHN! You are now obliged to take a drink (of your choice...)



WIP update no. 1

An update on one of my current projects. A Repenter light warjack for the Protectorate of Menoth faction in Warmachine.

Yes, this one was, in fact, previously painted

Most of the bits and bobs needed for this modification

Due to the plastic sculpt having a horrible flail* more akin to a bouquet of flowers in its look, I decided to give it some proper balls.

                                                                       Pearls on toothpicks!

Pearls on tootpicks, now with spikes

Said balls on chains.

After the greenstuff had cured, I clipped the now spiked-up balls off the sticks (every spike is in fact a tootpick tip covered with greenstuff), and attatched them to chains to make up a flail that will end up looking similar to the old Repenter sculpt.

No flamethrower-toting walking warmachine would be complete without a gout of flame, below is my attempt at sculpting a jet of fire.

Base layer of greenstuff over a metal wirestructure
Strangely upwards-pointing flame that will be rectified

So, this is it for this time. Work will continue, the flame must go on...

*Artists opinion. Nothing wrong with bouquets of flowers...


FIRST!...Well someone had to...

Well then, after much consideration and persuasion from alot (well..two...) of people, I've decided to start a blog to keep track of my different projects.

Sooo... let's see if I can get a picture to work!

Blurry, to preserve the mystery