
A Challenging January (Gallery post)

Welcome to the latest installment of Project Nevindar, the blog experienve surpreme! (Wait did I really just write that?). A more astute reader might already have noticed that this blog has actually gotten itself a proper logo just before closing in on its third birthday. Enough prattling, let's go on with what's new.

This month I took part in yet another challenge on Bolter and Chainsword. The March of the Legion. This took me back to my first Heresy-era project and I did quite get reinvigorated for Iron Hands!

This is Mantus, Iron Father assigned to the 523 Explorator Fleet aboard the cruiser Temeraire, the only cruiser from this fleet to make it to Istvaan V before the Dropsite Massacre. ...We are the ghosts of Istvaan V...

And now to some minis for the "regular" casual challenge.
Cacus, Librarian, IX Legion Astartes: The Blood Angels. 
Ascleipeos, Primus Medicae of the IX Legion Astartes: The Blood Angels

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter Designated VIII stationed on the Carrier-frigate Lachesis

This is more or less it for this time. Only painting grind, no special or extra fun projects!

Oh, there might be more frequent updates with my next project (no promises...) since... It is a bit larger than my more recent 1-2 minis a month ones. 

Cerastus-Knight Atrapos



A grave conflict of interest in the frosty wastes of the north

Well, time for a side-project. Just some terrain. Just not Age of Darkness/30k or Warmachine terrain...


Here's a teaser of what's on my workbench tonight!

A well that might contain dreams or nightmares... And a statue of wizards from long ago.

Stay tuned for more or less regularly scheduled broadcasts.
