
A (tiny) taste of things to come

Yet another small update. I must say, actually just sitting down long enough to paint when having NOTHING to do is quite a lot harder than I ever imagined. Inspired now though, in tome for going on a trip for nigh on a week. This blog will just be a teaser of the two projects I'm working on right now, nothing much really.

Let's start out with an elf I posted last time. Elara, of Kickstarter and soon regular Privateer Press release fame (albeit with a different sculpt). She's just gotten some base colours blocked out, the base has gotten a tad more time, for some reason.

Still looking badass on a Flame Belcher

Second project. Tristan Durant, also of similar fame of above elf.. Well, slightly miscast and me liking the regular sculpt a tad more makes him "go epic" and become a decent Warcaster instead of just an initiate. Yeah, it was a given. Time to turn him into High Exemplar Kreoss. A fair amount of sculpting might just be needed here.

Adjust that thousand dollar smile and behold the creation of man -Refused
(Would be better with "Creator of Man" but...whatever)

More work on these tomorrow as I got most of a day to spare. Well, now that I have written that down I have most probably jinxed it all....

...Never turn your back on your desk.



Interbloggum 2

This will be yet another mainly text update. Somehow all the images managed to disappear from my previous posts. This...Might or might not have been a bit of user error but I'm in the process of restoring them over the next couple of days or so.

Now, on to something a lot more fun. Games & Gear Paint Day 2014 (event can be found on Facebook). A lovely excuse to paint and the event got simple enough rules. Paint, just paint. Painting with MenothJohn* had a livestream during day one of the Paint Day (which takes place every Sunday in June) and I even managed to (after some trademark technical difficulties) get some air-time on the stream. For better or worse...

This will be a good start getting me back into painting after this hiatus due to school. On the other hand, I did manage to graduate so.. Silver lining and all that.

Another thing. A new blogpost is in the works, this time I am going for two of the backer minis for the Warmachine: Tactics kickstarter. Elara and Tristan. Stay tuned!

Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber and Jumper of Random Flame Belchers found on the ground (way early WIP)

Until next time!

 *Painting with MenothJohn is live most Sundays at 6.30pm or so Central time (Can't say what that would be in Metric time...) at http://www.twitch.tv/menothjohn